Monday, January 16, 2017

Hulali W.

Everyone Should Have Internet by Hulali W.

When she finally gets home from a 20 minute drive from town, she realizes that she didn’t do her internet homework! She quickly scrambles to see if there is anything that she can do, but all she can do is watch the dinosaur run into the cactus on her computer screen. That’s when she realizes her family really should have internet at home. In fact, everyone should have internet at home. About 2,500 or 9% of students don’t have access to the internet. That means that the majority of kids have access to the internet at home. This also goes the same for teenagers and young adults. An American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist, Avram Noam Chomsky once said, “The internet could be a very positive step towards education, organization, and participation in a meaningful society.” The internet can be, and should be, a positive step towards our educational journey.
There is about 91% of students or kids, that have access to the internet at home or when they leave school. “about 9 percent of students, or roughly 2,500 kids, can’t access the internet once they go home, district surveys show” (Monahan). For those 9 percent of students who can't access the internet, “The Federal Communications Commission voted to increase e-rate funding, which provides school districts money to access the Internet. $1.5 billion for a total of $3.9 billion (Monahan).  Obviously the Government recognizes how important the internet is.
There are not only kids that don’t have access to the internet when they go home, there are also teenagers and young adults who don’t have internet once they go home. According to “The study by Oxford University, Carried out between 2008 and 2011, estimated about ten per cent of the teenagers were without online connectivity at home”(Prigg). Without the internet there are disadvantages to a student's school work.  Much of the work given for homework requires online research or preparation. Another important fact is that teenagers report that they feel shut out of their peer group socially when they do not have internet access (Prigg).  When people feel shut out or can’t accomplish their goals they run the risk of experiencing depression.
The internet has also been a big help with our education, because instead of having to go all the way to the library, we can just pull up Google. “The internet has had an enormous impact on education, streamlining access to information and making it easier for individual to engage in online learning” (Why is the Internet Important).  When people have quick access to the internet it can help them to deepen their understanding of the world around them.
Some people might think that the internet is too expensive or that we might get stuck to our screens all day and all night. However, other people say that the children should be able to limit themselves when it comes to screen time. Additionally, people should be mature enough to avoid inappropriate sites. If families do not have Internet at home, there might be consequences like lower grades, because homework is not turned in. There is also the possibility that there will be less socialization with peers.
So not only does the internet help with a person’s education and their social life, it also helps children develop maturity and teaches them to make the right decisions when no one is looking.  In conclusion, everyone should have internet at home.

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